Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1 year. 1 month and 1 week old

i did not really for today to have the title. It is a sweet coincidence.

Bhuvilu I miss you bangaruthalli. i miss you running upto me and hugging me. playing with my laptop, listening to the rhymes, enacting the rhymes, your naughty smile, your pure love, the warmth and bliss of having you around.

I hope all is for better and bigger good.

you have grown... u are already wiser, smarter, taller...:) u walk, run, have ur own language to talk lil words, express and u remember me and miss me .. awww.. my lil angel.. forgive for i am unable to be with you. we'll be soon all together a happy adventurous fun family together. I promise.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

perfect 10!

bhuvi is 10 months and 2 weeks old already... wow this is definition of the phrase "time is flying" :)) i am a 10 months old mom struggling to keep up the pace with my boolamma. working 9 hrs a day traveling another 5 hrs day on an average leaves me with what... hmm... 10 hrs to cook, eat, get ready, play with bhuvi, do the routine chores, home shopping and SLEEP if i ever get time.

hmm not good. trying to be a superwoman.. but external factors not all in my favour, yet.

i have a masters degree in tolerance, patience, ideating and an absolute doctorate in multitasking.

i just need a couple of more hrs a day for myself and thats it i am the champion :D hehe.

bhuvi is fast growin up to a charming lil angel. fine and gross motor skills developing swiftly. i am enjoying every moment with her. all the stress of thewait-at-busstop-for-hrs-&then-sit(if i am lucky to get aa seat that is)-in-the bus- as-i-wait-for-the-traffic-to-move,-on-our-desi-roads,-after-a-9hr-long-day-work just vanishes. i don't know where as soon as i open the door and see bhuvi jumping with joy on to me.

she wants tasty variety of food, nothing bland. ogles at my plate all the time. has 5 teeth and more sprouting :D. repeats sounds and actions in her own amusing, cute style.

she interacts and smiles at everyone and the strangers/neighbors can't help but fall in love with her.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

bhuvi is 9! doing so fine

time is flying... 9 months old and 3 more for her to become a year old.

bhuvi is feeling a bit lonely staying at home only with nanny to take care. both of us working and trying hard to manage the commute/work/mumbai monsoon and bhuvi baby at home.

i feel so miserable abd helpless when the nanny calls and tells me that bhuvi is crying uncontrollably and she has tried everything. uhh.. its been 2 days now.. hopefully bhuvi will get used to the situation sooner and will be a happy baby once again. i am going all out and beyond to do my best and be for her as much time i can.

otherwise.. she is doing fabulous. crawling, standing.. playing, screaming, imitates singing, loves apple and banana and speaks single syllable words. loves her new crib. enjoys zoobi doobi song as much as she always did since 2 mo old.

and .. just loves it when i sing her fav rhymes to her

yeahh misses her thatha, nanamma, babai and all from rajamundry. i can see in her expressions.. she searches for.. when i call out the names.. poor lil thing..

dearest boolamma, happy birthday ra kanna. my motto of life is to keep u healthy and happy.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Boolu is 6!

she can sit, started crawling, repeats syllables.. sings to herself to sleep :-) that is the cutest thing i ever saw a baby do.
everything in her way becomes her teather. wallet, handbag, comforters, books, clothes ...

april 1st she said for the first time "thatha" "atha" "dada" with such clarity.. i was so excited.. it almost felt like she was actually talking.

she loves the outdoors than indoors just like her dad.. she can get really hyper active after her farex meala and when provoked with funny noises and faces..

most of all.. she loves my laptop.. she loves to play with keys, the mouse tracker, watch her favourite "Zoobi Doobi" video song

her smile like thousand suns bright
her face like million roses beatiful
her charm a billion stars magnetic

bangaaru thalli
my baby Boo :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Buvi - 5 months and 5 days old

Buvi looks like a big girl.
seems like ages since she was born.

she sits, stands of course with support... prepping to crawl... uters consonants.. makes sounds.. has liking towards selected songs...
sings to herself while sleeping :) haha was amazed when i first observed.. she would make sounds like a lullaby until she snoozed off... :) i don't hv to sing to er.. now that she sings for herself.. hehe..

she is the apple of my eye... my precious :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

3 months and 3 days

and ... Bhuvika stood upright holding my fingers day before yesterday, said 'amma' yesterday(i screamed with joy)... held her milk bottle by herself today!!! bhuvi baby u continue to amaze each day.

she also entertains herself.. talks in her own code language ;), gurgles, makes diff sounds.. all when she is by herself too.

i have to catch up to u Buvi.

all this aside.. she is a happy baby who fills my every moment with bliss and smiles...

aww.. i love you Buvi and I love my mom now even more :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

2 months, 5 days

she says 'la'...
do re mi fa so & ti are to follow :)